"You must know and take control over the environmental factors that determine the intelligence quotient (IQ) and the emotional intelligence of your child. You can take action to improve it!"

Are you a responsible parent that wants your child to be intelligent, healthy, happy and successful in life?


 If your answer is "yes" then this will be the most important website you will ever read. Let us show you how you can make all the differences for your baby, from conception to school. The intelligence of a child is the result of several independent abilities, which are combined to contribute to his overall performance as an individual.

Heritability measures how much of that IQ variation is caused by genetics. Various studies, including an authoritative American Psychological Association report, have found the heritability of IQ to be between 0.6 and 0.8 in adults and 0.45 in childhood in the United States
[1][2][3][4]. So, you could get 60% of your intelligence from your parents' genes and the other 40% from environmental influences in your formative years that may also contain the direct influences from your parents.

The intelligence (IQ) of a child begins before birth, with the education of the parents

This book is really only for those parents who want to make an extra effort on behalf of their children and who believe that their children are one of the highest priorities in life.

Improve the IQ of Your Future Baby. Facts and tips to improve the IQ of your Child, from the conception to the school 
Highly intelligent babies can be and have been born to parents that are of average intelligence, under favorable circumstances and environments. Many different experimental studies conducted successfully look at the biological, psychological, and emotional development of children. Babies born to moms who had received prenatal enrichment courses in parenting skills, nutrition, pre-birth stimulation and early stimulation were compared with those who did not receive any in-put, and the results showed up to 15 points difference in the babies IQs.


In order to improve the IQ in a baby, parents must know how they can positively influence each step in the development of the baby's brain, even from conception, until the school age.

By knowing and understanding the genetic and environmental factors involved in the conception and the development of the baby's brain, as well as the understanding of how nutrition and the appropriate techniques for stimulation can positively influence your baby. Parents will be able to improve their baby's IQ.

The different types of intelligence:


- General Intelligence or 'G', defined as the capacity to solve abstract problems by rapidly integrating ideas to formulate (usually) one correct response. This involves the ability to limit a problem's scope, to come up with possible solutions and, to quickly identify the one best fit to solve a particular problem.  The standard and most widely accepted method is by measuring a person's "intelligence quotient" or called IQ .


- Emotional Intelligence (EI): This refers to an individual's ability to understand and to be aware of his own emotions, as well as those of people around him. This ability enables the individule to handle social interactions and relationships better


- Multiple Intelligences: More recently, scientists dissatisfied with the traditional idea of a single intelligence, and they postulated alternate the theories of "multiple intelligences" - that is, intelligence is the result of several independent abilities which are combined to contribute to the total performance of an individual. Psychologist Howard Gardner’s theory of multiple intelligences states that intelligence can be broken down into 8 distinct components: logical, spatial, linguistic, interpersonal, naturalist, kinesthetic, musical and intrapersonal.[5][6].


IQ and intelligence might be dependent on the child's growing environment, and specifically the quality and quantity of education and stimulation that he receives

Research on the role of the environment in children's intellectual development has demonstrated that a stimulating environment can dramatically increase IQ, whereas a deprived environment can lead to a decrease in IQ. A few such research studies are listed below.

As a typical American couple, if Dad's IQ is 98 and Mom's IQ is 102, the future child would, in all probability, have an IQ of 100 (+/-2). When the child is 6 years old, his IQ and intelligence will be largely dependent on the family and child's environment, and specifically the quality and quantity of education that he receives.


So, if the child is raised in a home with educated, lovely and devoted parents, with the right cognitive stimulation and the right nutrition, his IQ by te age of 6 could be in the range between 110-120, in the best case.


However, if the child is raised in an average American family, with average education and medium income, but without any interest and knowledge of early stimulation (unfortunately they do not know this website), the child's IQ at the age of 6, would probably remain in the same range of 98-102, in the best case.


The American Psychological Association's report "Intelligence: Knowns and Unknowns" (1996) states that there is no doubt that normal child development requires a certain minimum level of responsible care. Severely deprived, neglectful, or abusive environments must have negative effects on a great many aspects of development, including the IQ. Consequently, if a child is raised in a deprived environment (troubled parents, malnutrition, alcoholism, etc), his IQ at the age of 6 could be lower, probably in the range between 75-90. These results have been proven in several studies woldwide. They confirm that IQ is all but a fixed quantity.



If you want an intelligent child with the highest IQ, you need to go the extra mile

How to change the environmental factors?

Since genetic factors are uneasy to be changed, we can work on environmental factors.Environmental factors responsible for our intelligence can be as high as 40%, and it is not too small a strength. When we talk about environmental factors that influence baby's IQ intelligent development, we mean almost all of the things that can have effects on brain growth, and thus it is really complicated. This is also the reason that parents are recommended to have better education before conception, since education background will help parents to understand the principle of complex brain growth.

Every single chapter of the IQ-Baby book will assist you to use all of the possible ways in daily life to improve different environmental factors, in order to stimulate brain development towards better intelligence. For instance, before conception, a chapter will discuss about how to prepare you and your partner, and how to learn about the methods to know your exact ovulation date in each month. When you are certain about your ovulation date, the content will further assist you to learn about how to preserve your partner's sperm with higher numbers and better qualities. These knowledge and training will actually improve and optimize the environment factors in your body towards the goal of an IQ baby.

After you are pregnant, some chapters will show you how to establish a womb school at home with your partner. The methods and protocols are so simple and easy, and you can use what you already have at home, and there will be no expensive item to purchase necessarily for this purpose.

All you need to do is to follow the procedure step by step, and methods described in details will guide you through the whole pregnant period, from the first trimester to the last one. These methods will enhance the environmental factors in your womb to bring you a baby with better intelligence and health conditions.

Another chapter of the IQ Baby book will guide you through the delivery process smoothly, to protect the baby that you and your partner have spent years to prepare for, and 9 -1/2 months of hard work to take care of. It will show you what you need to do to prepare yourself for the delivery, and how many choices you may have to choose a certain delivery way that fits you the best. It also tells you what you need to know and prepare at home for the home coming baby, and in delivery center of the hospital of your choice.

After the baby's birth, a chapter will show you how to take this chance to initial an infant education as the earliest stage after birth, to ensure that the results of your hard work will be fully preserved and developed further in your baby's early life. And another chapter will help you to explore the math learning, which is considered one of the most difficult and boring learning processes for most of the kids in North America. The purposes of these chapters are to modify the environmental factors in the earliest life of your baby to help the further development of IQ intelligence.

If we can't change genes and genetic factors (DNA, etc) inherited by your child.... what can we do in order to get the best results from the nature and improve the baby's future IQ?

Besides the idea of finding a partner with intelligent genes, it is found recently that there are other ways to change the genetic factors that have impact on IQ development, which was thought impossible in the past decades. We have learned within the past few years that our genes can be modified by many simple ways, and one of the most accessible ways is through food consumption.

Our bodies are built up of proteins that are made by our genes, when proteins are made according to genes, it is called gene expression meaning that genes are expressing themselves as the forms of proteins. And thus different genes make various proteins to build different parts of the body, from muscles, teeth, hairs, to brain cells.

"Although we can't change the structure of genes, it is now possible to change the way our genes work, food, exercise, stress and our emotions can all switch genes on or off" says Dr. Tim Spector, a professor of genetic epidemiology at King's College London. The information tells us express is up to us, our behaviors and what we eat will determine at least partially the buildup of our bodies and our brains, especially in a sensitive stage like early life of a baby.

For example, a study published on a journal called FASEB (the Federation of American Societies for Experimental Biology), conducted by Dr. Mihai Niculescu from Nutrition Research Institute at the University of North Carolina, showed clearly that diet prior to pregnancy alters mothers' DNA and passes these changes along to their offspring in mice, and subsequently change the metabolism within the bodies of the pups.

This means that when a pregnant woman takes in diets before and after her pregnancy, it will have chances to change her gene expressions as proteins, and during this time, one of the most important gene expressions -the fetus, will be possibly changed and modified. For instance, folic acid, as one of the recommended vitamins to be taken for pregnant women, can prevent birth defects, because it can switch off hundreds of genes that may cause problems to a newly forming baby.

Besides food diets, vitamins and other nutrients, other factors like exercises, emotions and stress, are all potential factors that will be able to change gene expressions and protein forms during pregnancy. You should be aware of all of these factors, and try your best to provide ideal environment and conditions for your future baby.

The rule #1 to have an intelligent baby is to find an intelligent partner. If you did not have chance to meet an intelligent partner, you still have hope: you should read carefully every chapter of this book

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This book IQ-Baby book is going to consider all of the factors, like food diet, nutrients, emotions, stress and exercises, to design a practical plan fitting to most of your needs before and after your pregnancy, as well as to offer educational strategies for your baby during your pregnancy and after your baby's birth. When you read this book, you will find out the myth and tricks of all of these amazing and effective methods, advices, and protocols that you are looking for. They are simple and easy to be understood, and ready for your use.

In an ideal world, the future parents should be properly educated and they should have all the full information with regards the process of conception, gestation, stimulation, nutrition, motivation, etc. before starting the natural process of gestation and pregnancy.

As a matter of fact, men would rarely want to go see any physician to discuss conception. Your ideas and suggestions to your man could be the only chance that your partner has to gain this knowledge.

"Mother Nature has plainly not entrusted the determination of our intellectual capacities to the blind fate of a gene or genes; she gave us parents, learning, language, culture and education to program ourselves with." (Ridley, 1999, p. 77)

The rule #1 to have an intelligent baby is to find an intelligent partner. If you did not have chance to meet an intelligent partner you still have hope: you should just carefully read every chapter of this IQ-Baby book


You must be aware that the information about popular things suchs as conception, pregnancy, intelligence, stimulation, nutrition, etc, can be found in several books, magazines, videos and websites. But, the question is - do you really get the time to source the information?

The funny part of pregnancy is that the majority of women out there do not even know where to look for the information. The even funnier part is that they have absolutely no idea what exactly they are looking for!. So, what are you still waiting for?

Stop investing your valuable time in locating the answer for each of your doubts. Forget your worries and leave them to us. Just concentrate on planning how to welcome your angel in your life

If you don't take action today, you risk nothing. But your child may have to pay for your inaction. In the rest of his or her life.


Your actions could make a difference in whether your kid ends up as a cashier at Walmart, becomes a successful doctor or engineer. How much is that worth to YOU?

Don't miss this opportunity. If you do not take action now, you will probably lose the chance to improve the IQ of your child, for ever!. If you do not take action now, chances are that you will NEVER find this website again !!

Basically we can define the term intelligence as the ability to reason abstractly, to learn quickly, to adapt and apply knowledge to manipulate your environment, as well as the capacity for original and productive thought.

Heredity, of course, has a lot to do with how smart your child will turn outto be. But the environment in which he or she develops is an important factor.

If you are planning to have a baby, you are currently pregnant or you have a little baby, you need to learn how to give your child something that you will never again be able to give!


Pregnancy Signs, Symtoms and Care, BabyCenter, tips, care. 

There is no period of time more crucial and important in the life of a human being in which the mother has in her hands and chooses the opportunity to influence positively (or negatively as well) in the formation of the structure of the brain of her baby and therefore to directly influence his/her future intelligence and IQ during the period of the pregnancy.

Pregnancy Signs, Symtoms and Care, BabyCenter, tips, care. 

Thousands of women out there want to have smart and healthy babies, but they do not even know where to look for. The even funnier part is that they have absolutely no idea what exactly they are looking for!

Pregnancy Signs, Symtoms and Care, BabyCenter, tips, care. 

A well-planned conception will result in a baby with higher intelligence quotient (IQ) when compared with a casual and unplanned conception. Your family doctor or physician will not necessarily tell you about these points because these are not their jobs, or are not within their professional field.

Pregnancy Signs, Symtoms and Care, BabyCenter, tips, care. 

Medical doctors, including gynecologists, do not learn anything of these in their medical school years, because the main purposes of medical school training are for fighting health problems and diseases, but not for training of assisting parents to have healthy babies with higher IQ!

Pregnancy Guide - Maternity, gestation, fertility, fecundity, calculator. 

As a matter of fact, men would rarely want to go see any physician to discuss about conception, and they simply just won't. Your ideas and helps to your man could be the only chance that your partner may be able to learn about the knowledge. By reading this e-book you will understand how important it is to keep your partner's sperm in the best condition and maximum number possible.

Pregnancy Signs, Symtoms and Care, BabyCenter, tips, care. 

Children are getting smarter every day. In the 1980s, a scientist James Flynn, realized that IQ is increasing in all countries most of the time, at an average rate of about 3 IQ points per decade. Specialists suggest that children today live in an environment with visual stimulation richer than the past, and with more educated parents.

Pregnancy Guide - Maternity, gestation, fertility, fecundity, calculator. 

Life is an intelligent competition from the beginning. Every day, 350,000 babies are born over the world. Every day there are less resources and more people on the planet. Help your baby to build the best possible brain that he could during your pregnancy!

Pregnancy Signs, Symtoms and Care, BabyCenter, tips, care. 

There have been numerous studies conducted to investigate the role of the environment on a child's intellectual development and all of them have concluded that a child's IQ can be negatively or positively affected by the environment. In fact, they suggest that a stimulating environment will impact positively on the intellectual development.

Pregnancy Guide - Maternity, gestation, fertility, fecundity, calculator. 

Parents spend an absolute fortune on educational toys for their children, yet there is nothing more important, that you will ever do in your child's life, than to help him build the best possible brain that he can during your pregnancy.

Pregnancy Signs, Symtoms and Care, BabyCenter, tips, care. 

IQ is strongly related, probably more so than any other single measurable human trait, to many important educational, occupational, economic, and social outcomes.

Prenatal care an tips. Signs and symtoms 

We are selling this IQ-Baby book of on affordable price because we really want to help as many people as possible, including those who would not be able to afford it for a higher price. After all, every baby should be healthy, highly intelligent and naturally gifted!

Healthy pregnancy tips 

As a parent, you must know about how to help your baby develop higher emotional intelligence after birth.

Healthy pregnancy tips 

Baby's health and intelligence is interconnected, you can't improve one without improving the other.

Prenatal care an tips. Signs and symtoms 

Research on the role of the environment in children's intellectual development has demonstrated that a stimulating environment can dramatically increase IQ , whereas a deprived environment can lead to a decrease in IQ.

Prenatal care an tips. Signs and symtoms 

Intelligence-IQ varies negatively (decreasingly) in babies and children with at least 10 significant factors from the family and social environment. Learn about these significant factors and take control of many of these factors.

Prenatal care an tips. Signs and symtoms 

Intelligence-IQ varies positively (increasingly) in babies and children with at least 16 significant factors from the family and social environment. Learn about these significant factors and take action in benefit of your child.

Pregnancy Signs, Symtoms and Care, BabyCenter, tips, care. 

Many parents spend thousands of dollars in educational toys because they think that expensive toys make children smarter. Educational toy may help just a little. A recent study compared university students with same aged individuals from a third world country that never had access to any educational toys. The university students scored no higher on the tests.

Healthy pregnancy tips 

The intelligence, the self-confident and the education of a child begin ten years before birth, with the education and the right decisions of the parents.


Don't let this opportunity go by, you do not want to look over your shoulder for the rest of your life and wonder what might have been.

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We are selling this book affordably because we really want to help as many people as possible, including those who would not be able to afford it for a higher price. After all, every baby should be healthy, highly intelligent and naturally gifted!

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